George Saunders Wins The Folio Prize


George Saunders, veritable King of the Short Story at this point, has gone ahead and won yet another thing, this time in England. Moments ago, Saunders was announced the winner of the inaugural Folio Prize for his can’t-beat-it-don’t-even-try collection, Tenth of December (published by Bloomsbury Books over in the UK; Random House here in the US).

From the Folio Prize website: 

“The Folio Prize 2014, worth £40,000, aims to recognise and celebrate the best English-language fiction from around the world, published in the UK during a given year, regardless of form, genre or the author’s country of origin.”

Word to the wise: if you happen to be in the vicinity of one Mr. George Saunders in the near future, we advise shaking his hand; not only to congratulate him, but because the man is clearly made of golden good fortune and a boatload of talent, so here’s hoping…

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About howdowefeedtheworldsstarving

Writing a non- fiction study How do we feed the world's starving. Published The end of Humanity and have four books to publish.
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